Trainings and capacity development

AMC can accompany your teams in becoming familiar with accessibility in all domains and at all levels, through a participatory methodology, tailored on the needs of adult's learning, where interactive activities, group discussions, exercises and practical demonstrations are balanced with, frontal learning,  presentations and learning reviews, in order to cover all the aspacts of accessibility, according to the needs of trainees.

The online training course that AMC developed for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Organization in 2022 is an example of how institutional actors can support their representatives in order to make them understand what is at stake due to the lack of accessibility at country level, and what strategies can be adopted to address this issue and improve accessibility for all. 

The more than 80 trainings and the awareness raising sessions that AMC developed and delivered in various countries and contexts (Rwanda, Morocco, Gaza, Vietnam, Jordan, Germany, France, Benin, Sierra Leone, Haïti, Mozambique, etc.), in English or in French, are an example of how  accessibility and universal design are interesting and useful learning topics for a variety of stakeholders, from construction professionals, to development project managers, university students, emergency actors or private companies.

AMC can also provide longer term coaching, in order to accompany learners in their daily work and guide them on the implementation of what they learnt during the training, to turn their acquired knowledge into practical and proven skills.