AMC closely collaborates with people with disabilities from all around the world, to treasure their experiences, to infuse their perspective in whatever we do, to make sure their needs are properly taken into account, and to support us in the assessment of physical and digital environments. 

"Nothing about us without us"!

Why would you need accessibility specialists?

You represent an NGO, an INGO, a UN Agency, or another International Organization

"We want to organize a training on Accessibility, Universal Design and Inclusive Development to our institutional partners ” 

"We are planning reconstruction activities in post-war or post-emergency contexts and we have to make sure to include the needs of persons with disabilities as well"

“We need to comply with the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy (UNDIS) but we do not have the internal expertise to do so"

“Our company wants to sensitize our staff on accessibility in the workplace, and how to improve it in our everyday work” 

"We are have to comply with local accessibility regulations for digital services and communications"

“Our website and web-based tools needs to be assessed in terms of digital accessibility” 

“Our organization needs to create an accessibility toolkit to be used by our field teams in developing and emergency contexts” 

“Our organization doesn’t have an accessibility policy 

“In our projects we organize a lot of events and we share many documents, but we do not take accessibility into account” 

You represent a local authority

“Our government needs expert advice on how to define a long term accessibility strategy 

“Our urban development plans do not take the needs of persons with disability into account 

“We organize a lot of events and we share many documents, but we do not take accessibility into account” 

"We want to upgrade the transportation system in our cities but we don't know how to make it accessible to all"

You represent a private stakeholder

“Our website is not compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Level AA"

“Our organization doesn’t have an accessibility strategy to make our workplace more inclusive and accessible 

We organize a lot of events and we share many documents, but we do not take accessibility into account” 

"We provide online education but our products are not disability-friendly"

You represent an academic stakeholder

“Our institution needs expert advice on how to define a long term accessibility strategy 

We produce many documents, but we do not take accessibility into account” 

"Our headquartes are not accessible for persons with physical disabilities"